The Evolution of Tongue Drum: From Ancient Roots to Modern Innovation

The tongue drum, also known as the tank drum or hank drum, is a melodic percussion instrument that has captured the hearts of musicians and listeners alike with its harmonious and ethereal sounds. This instrument's journey from ancient history to contemporary popularity is a fascinating tale of cultural exchange, craftsmanship, and musical innovation. Unveiling the Ancestral Origins of the Tongue Drum Before the tongue drum became the modern instrument we know today, its predecessors were ( [...]

Is a steel tongue drum an instruments that create sounds through the vibration of the material itself without requiring strings, membranes, or external resonators ?

steel tongue drums, also known as steelpans, are instruments that create sounds through the vibration of the material itself without requiring strings, membranes, or external resonators. They are made from a single sheet of metal that is cut into a drum-like shape and then stamped with tongues around the edge. When you hit these tongues with your fingers or a mallet, they vibrate and produce sound. A steel tongue drum comes in a variety of sizes and tunings, so you can create different [...]

We tell you about the origin of tongue drum

We tell you about the origin of tongue drum
The first videos with these interesting instruments appear within the area of 2005 - 2007, when the famous percussionist Felle Vega presented his musical invention named "Tambiro" - a propane tank with petals cut on the side. But was he the pioneer here? Probably he was inspired by African and South American slit and petal wooden drums - the oldest percussion instruments on the world. What is the role of a tongue drum ? A Steel (steel tongue drum) [...]

A photobook for all friends and family

Although My Social Book may be a good way to showcase your social life during a bound book, it's suitable just for this purpose. Collect all the photographs from your wedding employing a unique hashtag, collate the whole year on social networks, hand-pick the simplest shots for an exquisite photo book, surprise the entire family with beautiful keepsakes that feature their best memories. regardless of the occasion is, we’ve got you covered! Import the content from [...]

High quality percussion instrument perfect for meditation

Do you know the Tongue Drum? This relatively recent instrument is a relatively close cousin to hang and Caisa, two percussions with amazing sonorities that are very popular with amateur musicians as confirmed. They are all part of the family of idiophones that includes such instruments as the steel drum, the glockenspiel, or the balafon. They are distinguished from wind instruments, string, or membrane, in that the sound is produced by the material of the instrument itself, whether wood blades (steel tongue drum) [...]