The first videos with these interesting instruments appear within the area of 2005 - 2007, when the famous percussionist Felle Vega presented his musical invention named "Tambiro" - a propane tank with petals cut on the side. But was he the pioneer here? Probably he was inspired by African and South American slit and petal wooden drums - the oldest percussion instruments on the world.
What is the role of a tongue drum ?
A Steel Tongue drum is an instrument although not actually a drum by definition. it's an instrument within the percussion family, however, and produces notes played on the slits created within the top section of the steel tongue drum case. traffic stop sign Tuned to a scale they're very easy to form music with, even for absolute beginners with no musical knowledge. mainly tuned to a scale, this suggests that every note will sound good with the one played prior or after. The notes are arranged within the same way as you'd find on a hand pan with each note either rising or down the size (depending on which way you've got it placed) from left to right across the top of the instrument. This is quite different than you'd find on other definite pitch percussion instruments just like the Xylophone, Marimba or indeed the piano where the pitch rises and falls on the keys from left to right in succession.
Notes on a Tongue Drum
Most tongue drums are created with 8/9 notes – As discussed, the notes are created by the tongue-shaped slits dig the upper section of the steep pan. Steel tongue drums can be available various scales, the selection of which is right down to your personal preference. There are smaller versions of the tongue drum, these have fewer notes as a results of being smaller. The smaller instruments are difficult o play with the fingers too, thanks to the accuracy required and slightly harder strike needed to urge the sound. For that reason, they're best played with mallets.